Increase Likes in Your Worlds

Increase Likes in Your Worlds

May 10, 2023

Photo taken at Facebook Campus in Meta Horizon Worlds, created by bigalligator, Wafflecopters, Vu, and more.

There are many methods for increasing your likes in your worlds. Here I'm going to go over a few of the methods you can use to increase your likes. Some may work for your type of world, the same with some may not. Here's a list of a few of the methods other Meta Horizon Worlds creators use that have been successful in increasing likes for their worlds.

Host an Event

When you host an event in your world, simply ask. Personally ask people that are already in there to like it. Keep in mind that you don't have to host an event to do this, when ever you're in your world and see others in it, just ask them to like your world. Invite your followers to an event in your world and ask them to like it. An event can be your grand opening, a birthday party celebration, anything you want it to be.

Use a Text Gizmo

Prepare a text gizmo on a wall, a sign, an object, anywhere in your world, telling visitors that if they enjoyed their experience in your world to hit the like button.

Simply Ask

Again, just ask people you know, and also ask their friends (or followers) to like your world while they're in there as well.

Use a Pop Up Banner

Create a pop-up banner. You can set this up in a way that would "pop-up" in front of your visitors as they come in.

Use an Invisible Wall

You can also consider creating an invisible wall of sorts, and place it in front of your starting spawn point, asking new visitors to like your world.

Hope this helps. If there are any other tips or methods that you know of, please feel free to share with the community down below.

Thanks and happy building!